Map creation and Ai navigation

For this area of the development, I had made the decision to go ahead and create the level map, allowing me to then focus on the Ai functionality and pathing around the level.

For the creation of the level I made use of a tool in the unity editor, probuilder, this tool allows to create objects to be used in the game with similarities to 3d design software such as 3ds max. since I already had some experience with that software, it was quite easy to get to building the rough layout of the level.

Once this was finalised I started work on the Ai pathing by making use of unity’s Ai navigation tool. This was used to bake a nav mesh over the level and apply it to the enemy model to be able to move around to chase the player. This was relatively easy to understand for me to implement into the game.

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Jan 16, 2024

Get The Mines Of Morrenhall

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