Collectible system, issues and fixes

After realising the combat system wasn’t working, I had to focus on the main objective of picking up collectibles to allow the player to win the game. I had started coding the features that when the F key is pressed, if in range of and looking at one of the collectibles in the form of small crystals, the item will be picked up and the counter on the Ui will increase by 1. But once this was done, I tested it and found out that the crystal wasn’t disappearing, this was a horrible issue as if this wasn’t fixed, the game wouldn’t be able to be won.

After a while of going through the code line by line, it turned out that the culprit of the issues was the trigger box that was around the enemy models, acting as the detection feature that had broke earlier one, after this was deactivated, the crystal was able to be picked up and the score increased.

This was very relieving as the game can now be won and all the menus worked well. But when I built the game and ran through it checking everything through, it seemed that the counter keeping track of the ores collected didn’t reset. So after a quick fix the game was pretty much done and ready to be distributed.

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