Fixing health system issue and collision issue

As I attempted to fix the issue with the collisions to then allow player to be damaged, I tried to determine what the issue was, it was eventually narrowed down to the character controller being the main culprit. It seemed that the character controller doesn’t interact well with rigidbody collisions, rather working with on controller collision code. This took time to fix as I had to change up the collisions and implement a cooldown system to prevent the player from dying almost instantly.

Once the issue was finally resolved, the player was able to be defeated by the enemy and the game over screen appeared. But another issue had cropped up, being that my original detection for the player moving into a trigger box to activate the chasing mode had broken, so the enemy chases the player as soon as the level starts. I realised this wouldn’t be fixed in time. So, I left it as is since the player is faster than the enemies and can easily avoid them.

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