Dev Log 2 - sprites, enemy variation, spawning 23/04/2024

over the last week i had made some great progress on the game, to start with i worked on the spawning system for the enemies. having them randomly spawn at given points. this was quite an interesting task to complete as this was relatively new to me, i created 5 points for the enemies to spawn from and created a base prefab for a test enemy. 

once the prefab was created i grouped the 5 spawn points into a parent object to control spawning, then i created a script where it will randomly select a spawn point and spawn a random enemy. when the enemy spawned they will start moving to the left.

when i tested it, a huge mass of enemies spawned, this was quite the issue and easy to fix. i added a cooldown feature to the spawn controllers script to have the spawning more manageable.

i then decided to work on the actual models for the player and enemy sprites, using blender to quickly construct the models and giving them some base colours, as close to the original designs. i then rendered the models as an image to then be used as sprites for the game.

i then went to create the background for the gameplay, this can also be used in the main menu. this was quite the challenge for myself due to my lack of skill with piskel. but with some effort i got a rough version created. but i had to break up the GIF into its respective frames to input into unity. it was then an easy process to add the animation allowing it to give the illusion of movement.

finally i decided to work on the UI elements, by using blender i created a dashboard to have an area to put my health bar and show the weapons. with a space in the middle of it to have space to implement the scoring system.

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