Dev log 4 - score system and audio 07/05/2024

for this week i had worked on the scoring system and adding some audio elements into the game.

i was a little worried when trying to get the score in, in case it broke any other elements but with some assistance from a previous project helped expedite the process, by adding the code to my  projectile script and creating a scoring script. this helped manage and update the score value. 

i decided to quickly sculpt some extra models for the projectiles, instead of leaving them as spheres. it was a quick process in blender which allowed me to get an image rendered and used as a sprite.

once they were all done i went to source some audio and music to the game. this i found to be quite simple to add in, by having my background music play automatically in gameplay and other sound effects being called by scripts make it relatively simple to have the sounds play when the conditions are met. 

i made sure to put the relevant attributions into my controls and menu to adhere to the copyright laws.

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