Dev log 3 - health system, menus and ui functionality 30/04/2024

for this week i had worked on the menus, navigation and health systems to then have a relatively working prototype to test on the arcade cabinet. i started my work on the menu and controls scenes and working out the functionality of navigating the buttons, i had to make sure the menu navigation worked with the arrow keys without using a mouse at all. it took a bit of time but i managed to get the navigation working but i had some issues with confirming my selection as this was meant to be mapped to numpad 4. however after some trial and error i realised that the button on the arcade cabinet that's mapped to numpad 4 is also mapped to enter which makes it way easier for me.

i then had to work on the health system for the player as the rest of the menus required the players health to be at 0. so i started work on getting the health system created and implemented. this was relatively simple as i have already created a health system a couple times now. once i got the health system sorted i had some issues but was an easy fix by altering some slight stuff with the enemy prefabs.

now when the players health reduces to 0, the game over menu will show, however at the moment the gameplay doesnt pause so it is a bit janky. this will be sorted in time,

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